Neuro-Handwriting Workbook Course
The Neuro-handwriting workbook is designed to help anyone above the age of 6 years. Children who are still in the process of developing their personality and handwriting are best tapped at this age and moulded to build a positive character.
Similarly, adolescents and adults can also benefit from this practice book that helps the reader understand and practice handwriting to change undesirable traits into desirable ones. Here are some other benefits of the programme
• This Programme not only improves the writing of the person but also develops a strong personality that avoids mindsets of diseases, financial failures, and disturbed relationships.
• Neuro-handwriting workbook is an effort to direct the individual endeavour’s towards success in all the aspects of life.
• By accessing the direct channel of the subconscious mind, neural pathways in your brain, you can change aspects of your character by changing your handwriting.
• Grapho-Therapy is particularly effective with children, because their handwriting (like their character) is in a formative stage. This is why it is a perfect time to begin correcting undesirable traits and tendencies.
The course comprises Weekend classes. Each level lasts for three months after which the progress is assessed and corrective measures are suggested before moving to the next level.